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Home>>News>>Answer Your Questions About Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy To Alleviate Musculoskeletal Pain


Answer Your Questions About Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy To Alleviate Musculoskeletal Pain 2013-02-18

Discover an innovative and exciting new technology, that is non-surgical and can help reduce or eliminate many painful conditions that you currently experience within your musculoskeletal system. This exciting technology is called extracorporeal shock wave therapy, or ESWT. What it does, is provides you with pneumatically created, high-pressure acoustic shock waves that are able to travel to your skin and eliminate calcium deposits in your body that cause you pain. However, because this is such a new technology, shockwave therapy often creates a large number of questions in patients' minds.
ESWT technology promotes healing because it deals with tissue densities where your tendons attach to your bones, and where your bones attach your ligaments. Because of this, ESWT is extremely effective in areas of pain where the connective tissues are in your foot, hip, elbow, shoulder, back and knees. ESWT creates a very strong sonic pulse, which exerts pressure and tension on your affected tissues. What this does, is increases the cell membrane permeability in your body, which increases regulation and metabolism in that particular area. Both of these promote healing within your body. ESWT also breaks down pathological calcium deposits in your soft tissues, which can cause a number of musculoskeletal pains, including tendinosis and tendonitis. This shockwave therapy machine also stimulates bone cells, which are responsible for the healing of your body and for new bone growth. ESWT also reduces your pain by stimulating the "gait control mechanism". These high-energy acoustic waves spread throughout your body, causing your body to respond with an increase in metabolism in the area in which you experience pain. This accelerates your healing process, alleviating your pain more quickly.
ESWT generally does not cause any considerable amount of pain while being treated. Often, the treatment is described as mildly uncomfortable or odd, but there is no significant or long-lasting pain associated with the treatment. There is no local anesthesia or freezing required, which speaks to the fact that ESWT treatments are virtually painless. There are very few side effects associated with ESWT treatments, but the few that there are is most often mild pain or discomfort in the area that has been treated. In order to maximize your ESWT treatments, you will generally be required to come to three separate treatment sessions. These sessions will be set roughly 1 to 2 weeks apart, and some patients may require more than three visits.
Not everyone is a good candidate for ESWT treatments. Often, if you currently suffer from a circulation or nerve disorder, an infection, bone tumor, metabolic bone condition, circulatory disorders or are pregnant, you will likely not be eligible for this type of treatment. However, all of these issues would be discussed with you during your consultation with a Shockwave Edmonton specialist. If it is found that you are a good candidate for this kind of treatment, there is an 80% to 85% chance that this new and innovative technology will help to alleviate your pain. ESWT is not guaranteed to treat every condition, so it is important for you to visit a shock when Edmonton specialist to learn more about your options and treatment strategies.